Detecting Azure API Permissions Abuse

3 min readDec 4, 2021

This is a follow-up article based on SpecterOps recent article that walked through a few attack paths using Azure API permissions to elevate all the way up to Global Admin. I encourage everyone to read the article which can be found HERE.

Basic information about the attack path identified in the SpecterOps post:

  1. The two permissions that can be abused are: RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory & AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All. Detailed information can be found in Microsoft documentation — HERE
  2. These permissions allow an object (whether its a Service Principal, Application, or IAM user) to basically take over a tenant (Global Admin)
  3. The AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All permission will enable the object to grant itself the RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory permission which allows the object to become a Global Admin.


SpecterOps provided instructions on how to configure auditing which will enable detection for this attack path in the above referenced blog post. I will focus on detecting the activity within your SIEM environment.


  1. You’re forwarding your M365/Azure logs to your SIEM
  2. Your SIEM is Splunk
  3. You know which index/sourcetype these audit logs reside in

Key Field’s and their values:

  • Workload=AzureActiveDirectory
  • Operation=”Consent to Application” OR “Add delegated permission grant”
  • ModifiedProperties{}.Name = “DelegatedPermissionGrant.Scope” OR “ConsentAction.Permissions”
  • ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue = “RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory” OR “AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All”

Now, these logs in Splunk come in the form of JSON. JSON in Splunk is nice, but, nested JSON is kind of a mess when you’re looking for specific values. You can get around this with wildcards (“*”) at the beginning and end of your strings. Another way to deal with JSON is to use the SPATH command in Splunk. Using a combination of SPATH rename, and eval we can map the JSON field names from the nested JSON fields to corresponding values.

| spath “ModifiedProperties{}.Name” | spath “ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue” | rename “ModifiedProperties{}.Name” as “ModifiedProperties_Name”, “ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue” as “ModifiedProperties_NewValue” | eval parameters = mvzip(ModifiedProperties_Name,ModifiedProperties_NewValue,”::DELIM::”) | mvexpand parameters | eval parameters=split(parameters,”::DELIM::”) | eval parameters_name=mvindex(parameters,0) | eval parameters_value=mvindex(parameters,1) | eval {parameters_name}=parameters_value

{parameters_name}=parameters_value will create the following fields:

  • ConsentAction.Permissions
  • DelegatedPermissionGrant.Scope

The basic search is very straightforward:

index=azure sourcetype=azure:audit Workload=”AzureActiveDirectory” Operation IN (“Consent to application.”,”Add delegated permission grant.”) AND (“approleassignment.readwrite.all” OR “”) AND ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue IN (“*approleassignment.readwrite.all*”,”**”)

Above will bring back the basic raw results. To turn it into a simple alert we want to transform the data into a more user friendly version. The rest of the search is filtering out all the extra information not necessarily needed for a SIEM alarm and assigning a severity to the alarm based on the permission assigned.

| spath “ModifiedProperties{}.Name” | spath “ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue” | rename “ModifiedProperties{}.Name” as “ModifiedProperties_Name”, “ModifiedProperties{}.NewValue” as “ModifiedProperties_NewValue” | eval parameters = mvzip(ModifiedProperties_Name,ModifiedProperties_NewValue,”::DELIM::”) | mvexpand parameters | eval parameters=split(parameters,”::DELIM::”) | eval parameters_name=mvindex(parameters,0) | eval parameters_value=mvindex(parameters,1) | eval {parameters_name}=parameters_value
| table _time Workload Operation “ConsentAction.Permissions” “DelegatedPermissionGrant.Scope”
| makemv delim=”, “ “ConsentAction.Permissions”
| eval ConsentAction.Permissions = mvindex(‘ConsentAction.Permissions’,5)
| makemv delim=” “ ConsentAction.Permissions
| makemv delim=” “ “DelegatedPermissionGrant.Scope”
| where isnotnull(‘ConsentAction.Permissions’) OR isnotnull(‘DelegatedPermissionGrant.Scope’)
| eval bad_permission1 = mvfilter(match(‘ConsentAction.Permissions’,”(?i)approleassignment\.readwrite\.all|rolemanagement\.readwrite\.directory”))
| eval bad_permission2 = mvfilter(match(‘DelegatedPermissionGrant.Scope’,”(?i)approleassignment\.readwrite\.all|rolemanagement\.readwrite\.directory”))
| eval bad_permissions = trim(mvdedup(mvappend(bad_permission1,bad_permission2)),”]”)
| eval severity = case(match(bad_permissions,”(?i)rolemanagement\.readwrite\.directory”),”Critical”,match(bad_permissions,”(?i)approleassignment\.readwrite\.all”),”High”)
| fields _time Workload Operation bad_permissions severity
| where isnotnull(bad_permissions)

Some additional fields you might want to include are IP addresses and UserId’s (I’ve left them out on purpose for privacy reasons).




Cyber Security enthusiast, detection developer and engineer, researcher, consultant.